Unlike its competitors, Paşa Döner offers doner prepared only with chicken thighs. No matter how costly and demanding this method is, it is maintained at every stage of the production as the most important secret of the legendary Paşa Döner taste.

Paşa Döner which is produced in accordance with the European Union acquis and National Food Codex legislation, under the supervision of veterinary and food engineers, is healthy, safe and hygienic.

Paşa Döner offers profitable investment to its small, medium and large investors through simple procedures.

Another secret for Paşa Döner’s taste, aside from the use of only the chicken thighs, is the sauce, prepared with care and with a formula of unique natural spice mixture.

Paşa Döner which offers added value to country’s economy with its local and national production, is a people oriented national brand taking part in a lot of social projects, a leader in its sector.

Paşa Döner, which was selected as the fastest growing company in the food sector in 2015 and 2016 by the Allworld Network and the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey under the leadership of TOBB, has adopted constant development strategy with its position as a leader by far and has included its aim to be an international brand into its strategic plan.

Paşa Döner has registered the confidence placed upon it with the certificates documenting the understanding of quality from production to service and its service quality.

Paşa Döner offers production, storage and logistics services at national and international standards. Our doners which are quick-frozen at -40 degrees, are stored at -18 degrees and delivered to the branches daily by taking care not to disrupt the cold chain.